Showing 1–12 of 126 results

Hefill/afréttari AT310SPT SPIRAL

874.500 kr.
  • Trade rated planer thicknesser substantially constructed from cast iron and welded steel
  • Spiral block with shear cutting action gives a very clean finish to the work
  • Uses 15mm solid Tungsten Carbide four edged spur cutters

Hefill/afréttari AT260SPT SPIRAL

684.954 kr.
  • Trade rated planer thicknesser substantially constructed from cast iron and welded steel
  • Cast iron tables and tilting alloy fence offer exceptional accuracy and stability
  • Spiral cutter block gives a very clean finish to the work combined with long cutter life

Borðsög AP254SB Professional

490.487 kr.
  • Large capacity, super strong, built for daily use
  • 2.5kW 1ph quiet and powerful induction motor
  • Includes rear take off table and cast iron R/H extension

Axminster Bandsög: Trade BS11

398.900 kr.

Axminster gæða bandsög - 750W mótor (1hp)  - Mikið tork og langt beltalíf 

Ótrúlega vel byggð og stöðug vél enda 60 kg.  þó nett sé

Fínstillingar á löndum og stýringum gera námvæma smíði skemmtilegri.

Sjá nánar neðar

Tifsög axminster EX21 Trade

256.400 kr.
  • Arm tilts 35° left and 45° right, tilting the blade, not the table,
  • 50mm cutting thickness capacity, 535mm throat capacity
  • Large 345 mm x 597 mm epoxy painted table surface
  • Now fitted with the PEGAS blade clamps for lower vibration
  • Easy access variable speed and blade tension controls
  • Organized blade storage on base

Tifsög Axminster Trade: EX-16

245.970 kr.
Axminster Trade tifsög - Armur hallast 35° vinstri og 45° hægri þannig að blaðið hallast en ekki borðið - Hálsinn tekur 405mm - Sagar mest 50mm þykkt. Sjá nánar neðar.

Axminster Workshop AW2606B Bandsaw

239.870 kr.
  • Our largest Workshop bandsaw for the woodturner or serious home woodworker
  • Substantially made from steel and cast iron construction
  • Widely spaced table support trunnions, very smooth tilt action
  • Rigid, welded body construction allows high blade tension for increased accuracy
  • Upper and lower ceramic side and thrust blade guides, long life and better blade control
  • Large, rigid, quick locking rip fence, doors fitted with safety switches

Borðsög AW216TS

195.800 kr.
  • Cast iron table with a ground surface plus full length rip fence
  • Smooth control for blade tilt and depth of cut (max 65mm)
  • Supplied with R/H extension and rear support tables

Bandsög MCB115SHD

179.155 kr.
  • All cast iron frame and bed
  • Quick release head swivels from -45° to +60°
  • Hydraulic downfeed control with infinitely variable adjustment
  • 3 speed belt drive to allow the machine to cope with a wide variety of materials
  • Adjustable length stop
  • Automatic downfeed stop
  • All ball bearing blade guides
  • Ideal for the smaller fabrication jobs, especially those which require materials accurately cut at various angles

standborvél AP340PD Professional

158.500 kr.
  • Cast iron construction for strength and stability
  • 2MT quill fitted with quality keyless chuck, 1-16mm capacity
  • Convenient rack and pinion table height adjustment

Rykhreinsir AT25AFS Air Filter

133.990 kr.
  • Powerful air filter system for workshops up to 300m³
  • Collects dusts "hanging" in the air, improving air quality
  • Twin filters, electrostatic outer filter, pleated deep inner filter

Rennipatrónusett M33 100 EVO

97.530 kr.

Ný massíf rennipatróna frá Axminster sem byggir á 114 stærstu patrónnunni.

Kemur í setti m. kjöftum, hring or skrúfu 100mm, lykill ferkant me mikið átak og algjörlega víbringslaus patróna úr ryðfríu stáli.  Framleidd algjörlega í Bretlandi og er 50 ára afmælisútgáfa hjá Axminster.

Taking the best features of our Axminster chuck designs over the past 35 years, we have, in our view, produced our best woodturning chuck ever.