Showing 97–108 of 738 results

Helle Sigmund HNÍFUR

29.750 kr.

The Sigmund anniversary knife is a little bit more than the ordinary and it has quite a story to tell.

Designed by two generations of Helle men. Knife-blade designed by Sigmund Helle in the beginning of the 1930’s and its handle by his son Torodd in 2012. Representing 80 years of tradition. The Sigmund knife is a classic all-purpose knife. Its beautiful handle made out of stacked pieces of wood mixed with leather spacers gives the knife personality and the triple laminated stainless steel blade will offer extraordinary sharpness. The Sigmund knifes comes with a genuine leather sheath out of the ordinary.

Semshefill: 3-1

29.685 kr.
Axminster 3 í 1 hefill - Shoulder, Bull og Chisel stillingar - Sólinn er 155mm langur og 27mm breiður.

Útiljós Xsolar LH-N Steinel

29.600 kr.

Tomorrow's formula for illuminated house numbers. The most advanced, most efficient and most attractive answer to providing the entrance to your home with an automatically illuminated house number. An integrated photo-cell controller switches the light on when darkness falls and off again when the sun rises.
Technical Data:
Dimensions (h x w x d): 227 x 242 x 51 mm
Power supply: Solar, no mains power required
Sensor type: photo-cell controller
Output: 0.03 W
Colour temperature: 4000 K / SDCM 5
Colour rendering: Ra = 80
LED life expectancy: 50,000 h (L70B10 to LM80)
LED cooling system: Passive Thermo Control
Twilight setting: 2 lx
IP rating: IP44
Protection class: III
Material: UV-resistant plastic,stainless-steel trim (on stainless-steel version)
Temperature range: - 20 to +40°C
With lamp: STEINEL LED system

Silfurleir námskeið

29.500 kr.
Silfurleir skartgripanámskeið er fjölbreytt námskeið í hönnun og smíði skartgripa úr mjúku silfri. Tími: kl. 18-22 Leiðbeinandi: Vífill Valgeirsson handverksmaður

Skálajárn 5/8″

29.460 kr.

Milled from round bar, these bowl gouges are created for making the best of turned bowls, for heavy profile cuts or for delicate feather cuts.

Skafa HeavyDuty 1,5″ Bogodd

28.940 kr.
These heavy-duty scrapers are designed to keep vibration to a minimum, holding great balance while in use and leaving a clean finish. They are ideal for deep hollowing operations eg. large vases & containers.  

Skafa HeavyDuty 1,5″ Þverodd

28.940 kr.
These heavy-duty scrapers are designed to keep vibration to a minimum, holding great balance while in use and leaving a clean finish. They are ideal for deep hollowing operations eg. large vases & containers.  

Helle Hnífur: Fjellkniven

28.900 kr.
Frá Helle í Noregi - Vandaður hnífur úr 3 laga rústfríu stáli - Kemur í leðurslíðri - Blaðlengd: 100mm - Blaðþykkt: 3,1mm - Þyngd: 112gr - Skepti: Birki.

Hitabyssa HL2020 E CASE

28.666 kr.
  • he HL 2020 E hot air tool is extremely robust and lasts a good 20% longer than its predecessor. Delivery in carboard box
  • With impressive 2200 Watt of power you can adjust the temperature from 80 °C to 630 °C in 10 °C step by joystick
  • The residual heat indicator warns the user that the delivery nozzle is still hot even long after the tool has been unplugged
  • Depending on the workpiece there are two temperature settings to choose from: 300 ° and 500 °C
  • The airflow rate of the heat gun is adjustable in three stages (150 / 150-300 / 300-500 l/min.)
  • The tool immediately responds to heat build-up by indicating a warning triangle on the display
  • The HL 2020 is the perfect hot air tool for shaping, desoldering printed circuit boards, welding plastics, drying filler, shrinking on cable sleeves, soldering pipes and other jobs

Bandsagarblöð: 5stk.2.490mm

28.235 kr.
Axminster karbon blöð - Fimm stykkja pakki - Lengd: 2490mm(98") - Breidd: 6mm til 12mm - Tennur á tommu: 4, 6 og 10 - Búið til með háþróaðri CNC aðferð.

Spindiljárn 1″ CT

27.990 kr.

Spindle gouges are used for detailed shaping between centres on parallel grain, particularly for concave curves.  These spindle gouges can be used to create beads, coves and other profiles on vases, goblets, candle sticks and more shaped work.  

Flexcut útskurðarsett 4stk. Micro

27.420 kr.

Lófajárnasett 4 stk. í trékassa

Flexcut útskurðarhnífar eru fullbrýndir og póleraðir og renna því vel í gegnum útskurðarvið.
Annálaðir gæðahnífar, falla vel í lófann, eru léttur og mjög auðvelt að viðhalda bitinu.  Mælum með slípimassann og brýnslusettið nr. PW12

Designed for extreme detail used in netsuke or caricature carving. These tools have their edges forged down even thinner than our other palm tools. Cutting with these fine edges allows the carver to work extremely close to adjacent detail without crushing wood fibers that can lead to "chipping out."