Mylands Superfine White Polish: 1L
Brushing French Polish: 1L
Mylands Sprittbæsir – Rauður: 1000ml
Mylands Sprittbæsir – Grænn: 1000ml
Mylands Sprittbæsir – Blár: 1000ml
Wax Liming: 400gr.
Wax Antík Mahóní: 400gr.
Frá Mylands. Svipað og Antík brúnt nema með örlitlum rauðum tón.
A traditional formulation of wax suited to mahogany and other warmer coloured timbers which is very popular with Antique Restorers. Although very light in colour, it is not suitable for areas liable to encounter light coloured clothing or fabrics such as rugs or carpets.