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Rykhreinsir AT25AFS Air Filter

133.990 kr.
  • Powerful air filter system for workshops up to 300m³
  • Collects dusts "hanging" in the air, improving air quality
  • Twin filters, electrostatic outer filter, pleated deep inner filter

Lofthreinsir PROF AP25AFS

125.700 kr.
  • Powerful 3-speed air filter system for workshops up to 300m³
  • Collects wood dust "hanging" in the air, filters 98% of particles 5µm and 86% 1µm
  • Remote control handset for speed and time periods

Rykhreinsir AC15AFS Air Filter

78.500 kr.
  • Quiet and powerful 95W motor
  • Plenty of airflow to clean air in an average home workshop
  • Electrostatic pre-filter and pleated main filter

Lofthreinsir WORKSH AW15AFS

69.750 kr.
  • Quiet and powerful 95W motor
  • Filters wood dust 'hanging in the air in a home workshop
  • Remote control unit with 3 speed settings and 3 time settings