MIRKA DEROS 5650CV slípisett
- Létt en öflug slípivél fyrir fagmenn og áhugafólk elskar líka.Hjámiðjusnúningur sem gefur bestan árangur og létta vistvæna vinnu.Tengt við ryksugu er vinnan nánast ryklaus og "brushless" mótor tryggir þægilega hljóðvist.Vélin hefur margsannað kosti sína og er ótrúlega öflug og vönduð vél sem þolir allskonar álag.m.barka og sandpappír stórir pakkar með 4 grófleikum 80/120/180/240
- Features an integrated vibration sensor and Bluetooth low energy technology
- Unique brushless high performance motor
Mirka ryksuga 1230M Wet and Dry E
Key Features
- M-class suitable for dust with OEL ≥ 0.1 mg/m³; efficiency 99.99%
- Supplied with 4m x 27mm hose, connector and a fleece dust bag
- Auto filter cleaning ensures consistent high-level performance
- 1200W motor and 30L capacity (wet)
- Air flow: 4500l/min
- Selector switch for manual or automatic start
- Low airflow sensor warns of reduced air speed
- Suitable for Wet and Dry pick-up (remove bag for wet pick up)
- Flat top design offers space for storage of tools, abrasives etc
- Large front and back wheels easy to manoeuvre on site
- Onboard storage of both hose and cable
Mirka Deros 5650CV sett
Key Features
- Supplied with both 125mm and 150mm pads
- Low profile with low weight, easy to use in any position
- Soft start and electronic brake for controlled sanding
- Unique high performance brushless motor
- Bluetooth technology for monitoring vibration levels
- Supplied in T-LOC Systainer case
- Includes Deco Solutions Kit containing:
- 20 ABRANET 150mm sheets 80grit
- 20 ABRANET 150mm sheets 120grit
- 20 ABRANET 150mm sheets 180grit
- 20 ABRANET 150mm sheets 240grit
- 20 ABRANET 150mm sheets 320grit
- 1 pair Mirka safety specs
Mirka Deos353cb sander sett
Key Features
- Powerful and compact orbital palm sander
- Delivers precise and efficient performance
- Variable speed easily controlled via a lever
- Low maintenance brushless motor
- Integrated vibration sensor with Bluetooth technology
- Deco Solutions kit includes:
- Box of 50, 80 grit Abranet strips
- Box of 50, 120 grit Abranet strips
- Box of 50, 180 grit Abranet strips
- T-LOC Systainer case
- Safety Specs
Mirka DEROS 5650CV Random Orbit Sander
- Létt en öflug slípivél fyrir fagmenn og áhugafólk elskar líka.Hjámiðjusnúningur sem gefur bestan árangur og létta vistvæna vinnu.Tengt við ryksugu er vinnan nánast ryklaus og "brushless" mótor tryggir þægilega hljóðvist.Vélin hefur margsannað kosti sína og er ótrúlega öflug og vönduð vél sem þolir allskonar álag.
- nique brushless high performance motor is very compact
- 5mm orbit for fast material removal
- Features an integrated vibration sensor and Bluetooth low energy technology
Mirka Deos663cv sander sett
Key Features
- Perfect solution for sanding into corners and tight areas
- Compact, low profile machine easy to use in any position
- Variable speed with 3mm orbit for fast material removal
- Exceptionally low vibration levels for increased comfort
- Pad size 100 mm x 152 mm x 152 mm
- 3mm orbit for fast material removal
- High performance 250W brushless motor
- Includes Deco Solutions Kit containing:
- 50 sheets, 80 grit x 152mm Abranet
- 50 sheets, 120 grit x 152mm Abranet
- 100 sheets, 180 grit x 152mm Abranet
- Mirka Safety Glasses
Mirka Deros 350CB 77mm Orbit sander
Key Features
- Compact, highly manoeuvrable, perfect for small jobs
- 5mm orbit for fast material removal
- 250W brushless motor for high performance
- Low profile with low weight, use in any position
- 77mm pad for greater access to tight spots
- Variable speed for wide range of applications
- Low vibration levels increase comfort
- Kit includes 150 Abranet Ace discs