Málmsmíði og skart
Bandsög MCB115SHD
Málmrennibekkur FD150E
Proxxon Proxxon minnsti
2-stage belt drive and additional electronic control enables spindle speeds up to 5,000rpm. The right cutting speed for even the smallest pieces. For face turning, longitudinal turning, boring, taper turning, slicing and drilling. Complete with 3-jaw chuck and live centre. Centre distance 150mm. Swing 55mm. Height over cross slide 33mm.
Machine bed with dovetail guides of continuous casting aluminium.
Gullhjúpaður snúinn vír 1mm 16cm
Gullhjúpaður / Goldfilled
Þessi skemmtilega framleiðsla á málmi í skartgripi eða önnur listaverk er ný falleg og vönduð framleiðsla sem lækkar hráefniskostnaðinn umtalsvert í samanburði við 14ct. gull. Hjúpurinn er miklu þykkari en í hefðbundinni gullhúðun eða um 5% af þyngd málsins er 14ct. gullhjúpur utan um annan málm yfirleitt brass. Hjúpurinn er sterkur bæði gagnvart núningi og einnig fellur mjög hægt (tarnish) á þessa framleiðslu.
This 14/20 yellow gold-filled wire offers a completely faceted surface that catches and reflects light, producing a dynamic sparkling effect. Cut to the length you need, the wire is an ideal starting point for your custom jewelry designs. Manufactured to exacting quality standards in our solar-powered facility.
Keep in mind that hardness is changeable by annealing, heat-hardening or work-hardening.
Foredom Míkró Mótor Fræsisett
Pepe Málmklippur: 100mm
Málmhúðunarpenni sett
With the JUNIOR 120 pen plating unit ,gold, silver and rhodium plating can be applied very easily, economically and without appearing blotchy. The unit is particularly well suited for enhancing jewellery with highly complex shapes (e.g. clasps, rings, brooches, necklaces, watches), which would only be otherwise possible using the longer and more expensive covering method. Pen plating with the JUNIOR 120 allows application of layer thickness of around 0.1 μm.
Kollettusett fyrir: PD 400 Rennibekk
Lortone Steinatromla: 2 belgir-millistórir
GRS handfang QC 901
Get breakthrough impact technology with fine control and a huge range of power. The comfortable, compact shape has an adjustable side hose connection. It fits most engraving and stone setting needs, including micro engraving, deep relief work, and bead raising/hammer setting. Made from fully heat-treated stainless steel.