Ofnar, leirbekkir og glerdeild
Nabertherm Framhlaðinn: 420GF
Nabertherm Framhlaðinn: 380GF
Nabertherm Framhlaðinn: 240GF
Nabertherm Framhlaðinn: N200
Nabertherm N150H
innanmál 450*1530*590mm (w*d*h)
A kilns should not be operated continuously to its performance limits. The models with Tmax 1300oC are designed for regular firings up to 1250oC. If the kiln is often fired above this temperature, we recommend our chamber kilns to 1340oC
Model N 150/H
Tmax 1340oC
Inner Dimensions (mm) W-430 x D-530 x H-620
Outer Dimensions (mm) W-790 x D-1150 x H-1600 (base included)
Connected Load 15.0 kW
Electrical Connection 3-Phase
Weight 380kg