Skólar og hobbý
Nabertherm framhl.Útdrag
Nabertherm 140L toppofnP300 stýring
Nabertherm 220L topphlaðinn
The attractive design, low weight, and unbeatable price-performance ratio are just a few of the advantages of our top loaders. These models always deliver perfect firing results and are the right choice for hobby potters and workshops.
The particularly energy-saving refractory insulation and energy efficient backing insulation ensure that a maximum temperature of 1320 °C is reached with low electrical connected loads. The tabletop model Top 16/R is also suitable for testing glazes and firing samples.
These top loaders are ideal for working temperatures between 900 °C and 1230 °C. For intensive professional use, we recommend our rectangular top loaders or chamber kilns with heating from five sides.