Showing 253–264 of 767 results


8.950 kr.

Vönduð samsetningarsett úr tré með góðum teikningumlími og öllu sem þarf til  setja saman lestina

Kopar 1,0mm þykkt A4 stærð

8.950 kr.

Koparplata í A4 stærð (ca 220*330mm).

Mjúkt efni í allskonar smíðar, auðvelt að klippa og saga.

Þyngd um 540 grömm

Mylands Sprittbæsir – Tekk: 1000ml

8.930 kr.
Magn: 1000ml - Yfirborðsefni á við - Mylands Sprittbæs hefur verið mótað af völdum leysiefna og létt fljótandi litarefnum.

Barki í H.8 handfang innaní

8.890 kr.

Slip Joint shaft with coupling and silencer for use with slip joint style handpieces.


8.850 kr.
  • Diameter – 76 mm (3.00 inches)
  • Width – 19 mm (0.75 inches)
  • Tang diameter – 7 mm (0.28 inches)
  • Tang length – 30 mm (1.18 inches)
  • Material – natural leather

Leðurpúnsl Craft 82846

8.850 kr.

Craftplus stamps are with a precision grinding that produce great impressions. The details of the stamps are amazing, and available with different patterns and shapes. The stamps are made from stainless steel and by the company, Craftplus, which is an award-winning brand that produce quality leather tools.

Leðurpúnsl Craft 82177

8.850 kr.

Craftplus stamps are with a precision grinding that produce great impressions. The details of the stamps are amazing, and available with different patterns and shapes. The stamps are made from stainless steel and by the company, Craftplus, which is an award-winning brand that produce quality leather tools.

Leðurreim Dökkblá: 2mm – 100m

8.850 kr.
Leðurreim - Þykkt: 2,0mm - Litur: Dökkblár - Lengd: 100 metrar

Raspur hálfk. 200mm 16tennur

8.820 kr.
Vandaður raspur frá Rider hjá Axminster
Grófleikirnn er MEDIUM raspur.
  • Invaluable tool for shaping convex or concave surfaces
  • Rapid waste removal with great control
  • CNC stitched teeth ensure precise tooth height and distribution

Gaffalgatasett m. 6 göflum

8.790 kr.

This chisel set contains six different chisels that can be attached on the included handle. The chisels can also be used for the manual press machine using an adapter, which you can also get here on our website. This chisel set contains three 1-pronged chisels in the sizes 1.5 mm, 2.5 mm, and 3 mm, as well as three 3-pronged chisels in the sizes 1.5 mm, 2.5 mm, and 3 mm.

Stækkunarglerssett Veikt: 1.6/2.0

8.750 kr.
Handfrjáls stækkunargler - Tvö gler fylgja með + gjörð - Styrkleikar: 1.6 og 2.0 stækkun - Gott fyrir handverksfólk, stangveiðifólk, listamenn, fluguhnýtingafólk og fleiri.

Ryksafnari á barka

8.720 kr.

Sogskermur sem passar á 100mm sogbarka.

Frábært til að soga frá tækjum s.s. rennibekkjum og pússivélum

  • Large rectangular funnel 405 x 325mm
  • Circular spigot to fit 100mm diameter hose
  • Ideal for Radial Arm Saw