Skólar og hobbý
Leðurgaffall 10mm
This stainless-steel chisel is perfect for lacing and weaving projects. The sharp blade makes perfect holes when pressed through the leather. If the chisel is to be used to make holes in a thick material, it can be made easier by using a hammer or a rawhide maul.
It has a rough handle that ensures a good grip so that it does not slip in your hands. The chisel is available in five different widths: 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 mm.
KRAFTSEGLAR 23x7mm 1stk.
Olía Lituð 100ml. Wenge
Mylands í málmdós
Earth Oil is hardwax oil which is used extensively in the wood flooring trade. Created by the Mylands Technical Team, this is a blend of traditional and modern techniques of timber ageing and wood character enhancement. The concept originates from Mylands’ vast knowledge of antique restoration, flooring finishes and decorative paints for interiors, film television and theatre. This range is highly influenced by high end designers and architects.
Olía Lituð 100ml.Earth Sienna
Mylands í málmdós
Frábær olía sem er til í nokkuð mörgum litum og því hægt að lita og olíu bera í einni yfirferð. Gott að bera vel á efnið og leyfa því að draga í sig olíuna í nokkrar mínútur áður en strokið er vel yfir með þurri tusku. Hægt að bera aftur yfir til að auka litaáhrigin og loka viðnum enn frekar ef um mikið álagssvæði er að ræða.
Hægt að nota þessar olíur á ýmis viðarverkefni s.s. gólfefni, hillur, borðplötur (t.d. límtré í eldhúsi/baði), trémuni og ýmsan opin við.
Olía Lituð 100ml.BrenndJörð
Mylands í málmdós
Earth Oil is hardwax oil which is used extensively in the wood flooring trade. Created by the Mylands Technical Team, this is a blend of traditional and modern techniques of timber ageing and wood character enhancement. The concept originates from Mylands’ vast knowledge of antique restoration, flooring finishes and decorative paints for interiors, film television and theatre. This range is highly influenced by high end designers and architects.