Bandsög Workshop AW1400B

84.960 kr.
  • Compact machine perfect for hobbies and crafts
  • Rigid body construction allows high blade tension for increased accuracy
  • Cast iron table
  • Upper and lower copper blade guides give better blade control
  • Rigid, quick locking rip fence, doors fitted with safety switches
  • 80mm depth of cut - 200mm width of cut
  • Supplied with UK made 6mm 6tpi general purpose blade and rip fence

Bandslípivél AW200BDS

78.500 kr.
  • Motor - 550W, induction quiet, direct drive
  • Versatile sanding positions. belt being used in different positions
  • Integrated fan for improved extraction when used with extractor
  • Modern design and steel and cast construction

Rykhreinsir AC15AFS Air Filter

78.500 kr.
  • Quiet and powerful 95W motor
  • Plenty of airflow to clean air in an average home workshop
  • Electrostatic pre-filter and pleated main filter

Standborvél Workshop AW285PD

78.500 kr.

Okkar netta bílskúrs/skóla standborvél sem er vinsælasta standborvélin okkar. 

Sjálfherðanleg patróna,legur góðar og því nokkuð hljóðlát í vinnu.

  • Small bench pillar drill for hobby use, all cast iron construction
  • Smooth running 250W induction motor, 5 belt speeds 600-2,500rpm
  • Spindle running in high quality bearings

Proxxon Tifsög: DSH

69.870 kr.
Frá Proxxon í þýskalandi. Upplögð sög fyrir stærri verkefni, módelsmíði, leikfangasmíði og fleira - hefur tvo hraða. Sagar við upp í 50mm - plast upp í 30mm og mjúkmálma að 10mm. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda:

Axminster Lofthreinsir: CK500S

69.841 kr.
Frá Axminster Englandi - Fyrir UB-802 og UB-803 spónsog. Fílterar fínustu agnir úr loftinu - Auðvelt að hreinsa.

Lofthreinsir WORKSH AW15AFS

69.750 kr.
  • Quiet and powerful 95W motor
  • Filters wood dust 'hanging in the air in a home workshop
  • Remote control unit with 3 speed settings and 3 time settings

Proxxon Ryksuga fyrir Verkstæði

68.900 kr.
Í henni er stór sía úr polypropylene sem má auðveldlega þvo. Einnig er í henni fínsía sem grípur minnstu agnir úr loftinu. Alveg vatnsheld vél þannig að auðveldlega er hægt að ryksuga upp vökva - en þá þarf að fjarlægja fínsíuna úr vélinni.

Borstýring UJK m.10mm patrónu

68.500 kr.
  • Hugely versatile, portable drill guide
  • Capable of drilling any angle between +/- 55°
  • Takes bits or holesaws up to 60mm diameter

Sogbarki 102mm x 10m

59.890 kr.
  • Medium weight, double ply clear PVC hose
  • Fully encapsulated PVC coated close pitch spring steel wire helix
  • Moderately flexible, it will accommodate quite tight curves
  • The inner wall is markedly smooth, aiding the flow of waste
  • Also being clear any blockages are easily spotted.
  • Temperature range 0°C to +70°C, withstands quite abrasive materials

Proxxon Borðfræsari: MT 300

57.980 kr.
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Sagar, sker, fræsir, snyrtir og margt fleira - Mjög hentugur fyrir módelsmiði - Mótor: 100W - 50/60Hz - Snúningshraði: 25000 - Þyngd: 2 kg

Sogtunna Workshop AW50E 50L

54.500 kr.
  • 63mm inlet, suits many common machines
  • 2 stage filtration, removes 99% wood dust particles >1 micron
  • 50L drum capacity
  • Airflow: measured in our workshop 440m³/hr @ 63mm