Módeljárn japanskt nr. 7

3.850 kr.

This modelling tool is used for carving and decorating leather. The modelling tool is dual-headed and available in various designs, so that you can find just the one that fits your needs.

Leðurformunarjárn nr.8 Japanskt

3.650 kr.

This modelling tool is used for carving and decorating leather. The modelling tool is dual-headed and available in various designs, so that you can find just the one that fits your needs.

Mælistika Ryðfrítt Stál: 1000mm

3.648 kr.
Frá Axminster Englandi - Lengd: 1000mm(40") - Þykkt: 1,5mm - Á bakhlið eru gefin upp stærðarmál í hinum ýmsu mælieinungum.

Leðurgaffall 12mm

3.590 kr.

This stainless-steel chisel is perfect for lacing and weaving projects. The sharp blade makes perfect holes when pressed through the leather. If the chisel is to be used to make holes in a thick material, it can be made easier by using a hammer or a rawhide maul. 
It has a rough handle that ensures a good grip so that it does not slip in your hands. The chisel is available in five different widths: 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 mm.

Leðurgaffall 10mm

3.380 kr.

This stainless-steel chisel is perfect for lacing and weaving projects. The sharp blade makes perfect holes when pressed through the leather. If the chisel is to be used to make holes in a thick material, it can be made easier by using a hammer or a rawhide maul. 
It has a rough handle that ensures a good grip so that it does not slip in your hands. The chisel is available in five different widths: 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 mm. 

Stannol Lóðtin: 3mm – 300gr

2.991 kr.
Tiffany´s-kopar-messing ofl. - Magn: 300grömm - Þykkt: 3mm

Mælistika ryðfrí 300mm

2.990 kr.
  • C Class 1 standard for guaranteed accuracy
  • Permanently etched, black filled graduations
  • Metric graduations millimetres and half millimetres