Showing 1–12 of 14 results

Lampi stækkunar LED

49.840 kr.
  • Ideal for close-up intricate tasks
  • High quality 125mm 1.75x (3 dioptre) lens
  • Additional 125mm 2.25x (5 dioptre) lens
  • Energy efficient SMD LED's
  • Dimmer function: soft light, bright light, daylight
  • Long reach arms and sturdy joints for positive positioning
  • Built-in handle and sun protector cap

Vinnuljós LED m.armi

44.800 kr.

Durston’s Balanced Arm Task Light is a beautifully designed sleek and stylish accompaniment to your work-space. This is a really powerful lamp producing 2000 lumens of light from a high spec 182 SMD Long life LED at 18 just watts. There’s a 4-stage dimming function from 3000K to 4500K for warm and cool light and finally 6000K for optimal brightness.

Vinnuljós LED m.borðfestingu

19.800 kr.

LED Goose Neck Lamp (Dim & CCT) White EU Plug from Durston Tools. The White Goose Neck Dimmable Colour Change Jeweller’s Lamp offers three different light colours. 32 leds provide seven watts of light and there’s no heat emission to make your work area uncomfortable. Three levels of dimming provide light from a warm 3000K non-glare which is soft to the eye to a 5000K bright light and the light is both shadow and flicker-free to minimise fatigue and eye strain. The energy saving design includes an eye care cover for your comfort and a flexible extended neck that can twist 360.

Vinnuljós Lágspennt

16.831 kr.
Frá Axminster Englandi - 50 cm sveigjanlegur armur - 20W Halogen pera - Fjögur göt með 60mm á milli á standi til að festa hann.

Stækkunargler m.ljósi á höfuð

15.850 kr.
  • 15 possible magnifications between 1.0x and 13.0x
  • Detachable headlight with two light levels
  • Headband with adjustable ratchet for comfortable fit

Stækkunarglerssett Sterkt: 2.25/2.75

9.650 kr.
Handfrjáls stækkunargler - Tvö gler fylgja með + gjörð - Styrkleikar: 2.25 og 2.75 stækkun - Gott fyrir handverksfólk, stangveiðifólk, listamenn, fluguhnýtingafólk og fleiri.

Stækkunarglerssett Veikt: 1.6/2.0

8.750 kr.
Handfrjáls stækkunargler - Tvö gler fylgja með + gjörð - Styrkleikar: 1.6 og 2.0 stækkun - Gott fyrir handverksfólk, stangveiðifólk, listamenn, fluguhnýtingafólk og fleiri.

Stækkunargler tréhald

6.850 kr.
  • Solid brass bezel housing, 76mm diameter
  • X 2 magnification, precision ground glass lens
  • Handle design of your choice

Niqua Stækkunar Lúpa: Svört 18mm – 10x

6.750 kr.
Frá Niqua þýskalandi - Kemur í leðurhulstri - Svört - Stærð: 19mm - Stækkun: 10x

Niqua Stækkunar Lúpa: Króm 18mm – 10x

6.750 kr.
Frá Niqua þýskalandi - Kemur í leðurhulstri - Króm - Stærð: 19mm - Stækkun: 10x

Axminster Skerplattar: A2

6.650 kr.
Verndar undirlagið þegar skorið er í nánast hvað sem er - 3mm þykkt margralaga PVC plast - Verndar einnig hnífsblaðið sem endist þar af leiðandi lengur.

Segull á Vinnuljós

5.890 kr.
Með þessu segulmagnaða stykki geturu sett vinnuljósið hvar sem málm er að finna - sterkur segull sem heldur vel.