These heavy-duty scrapers are designed to keep vibration to a minimum, holding great balance while in use and leaving a clean finish. They are ideal for deep hollowing operations eg. large vases & containers.
Oval section skews are easier to use and offer enhanced sensitivity and precise handling, they move easier on the tool rest and are less prone to ‘dig-ins’.
Frá Hegner Þýskalandi - Sérstaklega er mælt með niðurhaldara á tifsagir í skólum og vinnustofum fyrir almenning og aldraða - Heldur vinnustykkinu niðri meðan sagar er.
These roughing gouges are used for taking the corners off uneven and square stock, leaving it round and ready for further turning. They will also make initial shaping cuts removing waste quickly and efficiently.
Spindle gouges are used for detailed shaping between centres on parallel grain, particularly for concave curves. These spindle gouges can be used to create beads, coves and other profiles on vases, goblets, candle sticks and more shaped work.