Proxxon Spennubreytir: NG 2/E

12.855 kr.
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Hitaþolinn - Rautt LED ljós gefur til kynna þegar hann er tilbúinn til notkunar - PTC kerfi sem tryggir að ekki slái út - Geyslugöt fyrir bori og aðra aukahluti - Thyristor hraðastillir.

Patrónukjaftar 80mm C týpa

12.850 kr.
  • Potential gripping range: Internal 34mm to 68mm
  • Potential gripping range: External 51mm to 86mm
  • Recommended for SK80, SK100 and SK114 chucks

Hvílujárn 300mm 1″stammi

12.820 kr.
Passar í 1" (25,4mm) gatfestingu
  • Add to your woodturning enjoyment
  • Get the correct length tool rest for the job
  • Strong cast iron with a 45° slope allows close control

Crown Cryo Rennijárn: 3/8″ – Hringskafa

12.760 kr.
Crown Cryo Hringskafa - Stærð: 3/8" - Gott járn til að framleiða perlur hratt - Handfang: Rósatré - HSS járn.

Proxxon Fræsara Framlenging: 110/P

12.650 kr.
Mjög hentugur þegar vinna á mikla fínvinnu - maður hengir einfaldlega fræsarann upp - tengir framlenginguna við hann og fer að vinna. Kemur með 6 mismunandi kollettum.

Hefiljárn 3/4″ flat rún

12.590 kr.

A combination of flat skew and rolled edge for steadiness on the tool rest without fear of drag.

Spindiljárn 1/2″ CT standard

12.530 kr.

Spindle gouges are used for detailed shaping between centres on parallel grain, particularly for concave curves.  These spindle gouges can be used to create beads, coves and other profiles on vases, goblets, candle sticks and more shaped work.  

Baugjárn 3/8″ M42

12.490 kr.

A must in the tool kit of every bowl turner. These tools are ideal for making bowls. They can produce either massive profiling cuts or delicate finishing cuts as necessary.

Hefiljárn 3/4″ flat

12.470 kr.

Made from flat rectangular bar, these tools are heavier than oval skews for turning on legs, posts etc. 

Crown Cryo Rennijárn: 1/4″ – Hringskafa

12.423 kr.
Crown Cryo Hringskafa - Stærð: 1/4" - Gott járn til að framleiða perlur hratt - Handfang: Rósatré - HSS járn.

Skafa Þverend 3/4″ CT

12.340 kr.

Perfect for use in flat-bottomed or convex shapes, such as the outside of a bowl, or can be converted to users own special grinds.

Skafa rúnnuð 3/4″ CT

12.280 kr.
Wood turning essentially boils down to 2 types: turning between the centers in which we can make pens, spindles, legs and poles and turning on the headstock where we can do bowls, boxes, burls and platters. Thus, the choice of turning chisels will vary depending on the type you would like to do.