Showing 1–12 of 44 results

Sogkerfi APG700DP GYRO

1.172.227 kr.
  • 99.9% wood dust separation efficiency before filtration
  • Very low noise, compact and mobile
  • Strong and constant static pressure, highly efficient waste collection

Sogkerfi AP176CEH

697.000 kr.
  • Exceptional performance, collects both fine wood dust and chippings
  • Large 168L waste drum, mounted on castors
  • HEPA H13 filter cartridge captures dust 99.97% at 0.3 micron


576.000 kr.
  • Large 110 litre drum for larger waste particles
  • HEPA H13 filter cartridge captures finest wood dust
  • Easy mobility thanks to large castor wheels

Sogkerfi AW145CE CYCLONE

288.500 kr.
  • Large capacity wheeled waste bin collects wood dust and chippings
  • Remote control; switch on or off from anywhere in the workshop
  • Connect to 3 machines using the 3x 100mm adaptor
  • Airflow: measured in our workshop 1,380m³/hr @150mm

Pokasog Workshop AW118CE Cyclone

249.850 kr.
  • Compact Cyclone Dust Extractor for home use
  • Efficiently separates the wood waste from the airflow
  • Use with a variety of machines from thicknessers to sanders
  • Airflow: measured in our workshop 1,095m³/hr @125mm

Foredom dust cyclone

221.340 kr.
m. safnhólfi málma

Axminster Trade Spónasog: CT-90H

156.400 kr.
1hp - Öflug í vinnustofuna - Er á hjólum fyrir auðveldan flutning - 1 míkron með 100% árangur í að sía loftið. Sjá nánar neðar.

Mirka ryksuga 1230M Wet and Dry E

154.900 kr.

Key Features

  • M-class suitable for dust with OEL ≥ 0.1 mg/m³; efficiency 99.99%
  • Supplied with 4m x 27mm hose, connector and a fleece dust bag
  • Auto filter cleaning ensures consistent high-level performance
  • 1200W motor and 30L capacity (wet)
  • Air flow: 4500l/min
  • Selector switch for manual or automatic start
  • Low airflow sensor warns of reduced air speed
  • Suitable for Wet and Dry pick-up (remove bag for wet pick up)
  • Flat top design offers space for storage of tools, abrasives etc
  • Large front and back wheels easy to manoeuvre on site
  • Onboard storage of both hose and cable

Pokasog Workshop AW153E

136.500 kr.
  • Strong, efficient extractor with 1.5kW motor
  • Airflow: measured in our workshop 1,720m³/hr @125mm
  • Single 125mm inlet or two 100mm inlets

Rykhreinsir AT25AFS Air Filter

133.990 kr.
  • Powerful air filter system for workshops up to 300m³
  • Collects dusts "hanging" in the air, improving air quality
  • Twin filters, electrostatic outer filter, pleated deep inner filter

Lofthreinsir PROF AP25AFS

125.700 kr.
  • Powerful 3-speed air filter system for workshops up to 300m³
  • Collects wood dust "hanging" in the air, filters 98% of particles 5µm and 86% 1µm
  • Remote control handset for speed and time periods

Numatic Ryksuga: NV750

113.430 kr.
Hönnuð fyrir litlar vinnustofur eða sm suga fyrir vinnubekkinn - 1200W "Twinflo" sog mótor og 35 lítra rými - 3 þrepa síun með 0,5 míkron síu - 51mm barki fyrir öfluga sogun - Sjá nánar neðar.