The smart design and short blade make this an exceptional knife for peeling fruit and vegetables, slicing, trimming, and chopping. The handle is slightly larger than similar knives, giving it a steadier and safer grip.
Límir tré, efni og leður - byrjar að þorna á 30 mínútum og er alveg fast eftir 24 tíma - Vatnshelt - Hægt að hreinsa upp með vatni meðan það er blautt - Gott innanhúss og utan - Má bera lökk og önnur efni yfir límið.
Parents often ask us the same question – which whittling knife is safe, effective, and comfortable for kids? What should be the perfect first woodworking tool for a young whittler? Now we are ready to answer. It is our brand-new whittling knife model designed especially for children.