Showing 109–120 of 2678 results

Verkfærasett Silfursmíði Stóri m.öllu

289.000 kr.

Öll helstu verkfæri sem þarf til að setja upp silfursmíðaaðstöðu

Fleiri aukaverkfæri og vélar eru þó í boði, alltaf má á sig blómum bæta  :) 

Sogkerfi AW145CE CYCLONE

288.500 kr.
  • Large capacity wheeled waste bin collects wood dust and chippings
  • Remote control; switch on or off from anywhere in the workshop
  • Connect to 3 machines using the 3x 100mm adaptor
  • Airflow: measured in our workshop 1,380m³/hr @150mm

Durston vals 130mm slé+vír

275.045 kr.
  • ‘C130’ Combination Rolling Mill
  • ‘R’ 5-to-1 Reduction Gearbox
  • ‘E’ Side Extension with 4 Half Round Grooves (4 to 1.5mm)
  • 11 Square Wire Rolling Grooves (Main Roll)
  • Roll Diameter 60mm
  • Roll Width 130mm ( 75mm / 55mm)
  • 50mmvír 2-10mm-80mm slétt

Borðsög AW216TS pakkadíll

274.563 kr.

Key Features

  • Cast iron saw table with a ground surface plus full length rip fence
  • Quiet 1.1kW induction motor
  • Smooth control for blade tilt and depth of cut (max 65mm)
  • Sliding table offers generous length of travel past the blade
  • Includes a mitre fence and work hold down clamp
  • Leg stand gives a comfortable table height of 880mm
  • Splayed leg design for stability
  • Kit includes R/H extension and rear support tables

Borðsög AW254TS

272.665 kr.

Key Features

  • Large 80mm cutting capacity with quiet and powerful 1,500W motor
  • Super smooth tilt and height adjustment
  • Highly efficient dust extraction from above and below

Durston Pólervél: Einföld

268.644 kr.

Frá Durston Englandi - Stærð: 500*340*300mm - Afl: 0,37Kw - Þyngd: 24kg - Hraðastillir: 2.800-3.450rpm - Vifta sem safnar ryki og rusli - 8W Ljós - Sjá nánar neðar og á mynd(#1412).

Polishing Machines – Single Euro Style from Durston Tools. The Single-Sided Euro Style Polishing Machine from Durston Tools benefits from integrated dust collectors as well as the cool polishing functionality. Unlike many systems today, these machines are specifically designed to have silent and powerful suction fans that are also vibration free. The fans are enclosed in specially sealed units for maximum performance. Fluorescent lighting is included on all models, and they are built from 1.5mm steel sheet rather than 1mm steel to create a more sturdy and robust construction and extend the life of your polisher.

Durston vals 130mm

268.288 kr.
m.hliðarhjóli hálfkúpt

Húsgagnasmíði II framhald

265.000 kr.
Kennd verða undirstöðuatriði silfursmíða s.s. sögun, formun og kveiking silfurs. Smíðaður verður hringur með íslenskum slípuðum náttúrusteini og silfurfattning slegin að. Leiðbeinandi: Hans Kr. Einarsson Gullsmiður Allt innifalið, silfrið og annað hráefn

Tifsög axminster EX21 Trade

256.400 kr.
  • Arm tilts 35° left and 45° right, tilting the blade, not the table,
  • 50mm cutting thickness capacity, 535mm throat capacity
  • Large 345 mm x 597 mm epoxy painted table surface
  • Now fitted with the PEGAS blade clamps for lower vibration
  • Easy access variable speed and blade tension controls
  • Organized blade storage on base

Proxxon Bor/Fræsari: PF 230

252.450 kr.
Frá Proxxon Þýskalandi - Auakhlutur á Proxxon Málrennibekk PD230/E(24004) - Breytir bekknum í alhliða málmvinnsluvél - 140W - 220-240V - 56-60Hz - Spindlahraði: 280, 550, 870, 1200, 1500 og 2200 snúninga - Þrjár kollettur fylgja: 6-8 og 10mm.

Pokasog Workshop AW118CE Cyclone

249.850 kr.
  • Compact Cyclone Dust Extractor for home use
  • Efficiently separates the wood waste from the airflow
  • Use with a variety of machines from thicknessers to sanders
  • Airflow: measured in our workshop 1,095m³/hr @125mm