Showing 121–132 of 2678 results

Durston vals 100mm

248.500 kr.
m. hálfkúptu vírahjóli utaná

Sjöbergs raflyfta á hefilbekk

247.001 kr.

f.33110 bekk 700-1100mm

hefilbekkjaplatan er seld sér.

Tifsög Axminster Trade: EX-16

245.970 kr.
Axminster Trade tifsög - Armur hallast 35° vinstri og 45° hægri þannig að blaðið hallast en ekki borðið - Hálsinn tekur 405mm - Sagar mest 50mm þykkt. Sjá nánar neðar.

Axminster Workshop AW2606B Bandsaw

239.870 kr.
  • Our largest Workshop bandsaw for the woodturner or serious home woodworker
  • Substantially made from steel and cast iron construction
  • Widely spaced table support trunnions, very smooth tilt action
  • Rigid, welded body construction allows high blade tension for increased accuracy
  • Upper and lower ceramic side and thrust blade guides, long life and better blade control
  • Large, rigid, quick locking rip fence, doors fitted with safety switches

Hegner Tifsög: Multicut 2S

234.500 kr.
TIFSAGIRNAR SEM VIRKA Hegner tifsagir fá bestu dóma handverksmanna í Evrópu og Ameríku og hér heima hefur Multicut 2S vélin sannað ágæti sitt. Mjög þýð og hljóðlát og sagar mjög nákvæmt og vart þarf að pússa eftir (þegar notuð Olson blöð).

Rennibekkur AW355WL Workshop

229.800 kr.
  • Cast iron bed headstock and tailstock ensure minimal vibration
  • Powerful 750W DC motor, quiet and smooth operation
  • Variable speed with spindle speeds from 250-3,550rpm

Standborvél AP700PD

228.827 kr.

Key Features

  • Smooth running 750W induction motor, 12 belt speeds 120 to 2,580rpm
  • Convenient rack and pinion table height adjustment
  • Quality 1-16mm keyless chuck and LED work lamp included

Foredom dust cyclone

221.340 kr.
m. safnhólfi málma

Sjöbergs Duplex hefilbekkur Einfaldur

219.651 kr.

Key Features

  • Tough, hardwearing 60mm thick laminated beech
  • Bench fitted with a full width 130mm capacity vice
  • Substantial workstation for individual student
  • Bench dog holes included for flexible clamping

Rohde MCC Aukahringur

218.600 kr.
Passar á Rohde MCC TE100MCC 100 lítra leirofn - Aukahringurinn stækkar pottinn í 150 lítra - Hringurinn sést neðst á potti á mynd.

Loftpressa olíulaus 24Lítra

218.500 kr.

mjög hljóðlát og olíulaus loftpressa með 24Lítra tanki

Bambi has utilised over 40 years of manufacturing experience in the air compressor industry to bring you the ultra quiet, oil free PT range.

With 100% oil free operation and ultra low noise levels, from only 52 dB(A), the PT range delivers a low maintenance solution for ultra-quiet oil free compressed air applications. Bambi PT compressors are available in a choice of receiver and pump formats, allowing you to select one that is perfect for your needs.