Patrónukjaft. Colossus 150mm
Rennisett aukahlutir grunnur
Grunnsett af aukahlutum sem hjálpa mikið til við trérennibekkinn.
Lím og herðir til að styrkja og laga sprungur og einnig notað í yfirborðsmeðferð á minni hlutum.
Mælum með trérenniriti sem Andri tók saman með helstu grunnupplýsingum um rennibekkinn, járnin og hvað þau gera, helstu verkefni sýnt sem henta sem grunnverkefni og hvernig skal loka og meðhöndla viðinn í lokin (nr. 8000treI )
Skálajárn 1/2″ M42
The M42 HSS material takes these tools to new heights of performance - significantly improving the hardness and wear resistance characteristics with superb edge sharpness. The edge staying sharper for longer making the visits to the grinder less frequent.
- Hardened to 65/67 HRC and triple tempered to give the optimum performance without becoming too brittle.
- All come with a 45 degree fingernail grind and a secondary bevel to aid control and off-tool finish.
- Sharpened and honed for you to use straight away.
- Easily identified by the ergonomic ash handle fitted with a red powder coated brass ferrule.
- Made in Sheffield, England.
Skálajárn 3/4″ Crown tool
Spindiljárn 1,25″ CT
Skafa m skiftibitum
Patrónukjaft. HOLLOW FORM JAWS
Patróna 16mm sjálfherð.
Patrónukjaftar M 100mm Axminster
Skálajárn 5/8″
Negatif skafa – Frönsk kúrfa
For refining the curves on bowls and platters. 16″ handle.
This scraper is sharpened to a 66 degree angle. Made from high speed steel and measures ⅜” thickness X 1½” wide. It is one of the safest, user friendly scrapers that you can use. It will refine the internal curve of a bowl. Made by Hamlet in Sheffield to Glenn Lucas specifications it is a firm favourite for his students.