Spindle gouge 25mm

20.890 kr.

Spindle gouges are used for detailed shaping between centres on parallel grain, particularly for concave curves.  These spindle gouges can be used to create beads, coves and other profiles on vases, goblets, candle sticks and more shaped work.  

Skála Rennijárn: 13mm

20.706 kr.
Crown Cryo járn fyrir betri endingu. Skefti úr svörtum aski með silfur millistykki. Járn með gott jafnvægi.

Skálajárn 3/8″

19.990 kr.

Milled from round bar, these bowl gouges are created for making the best of turned bowls, for heavy profile cuts or for delicate feather cuts.

Kolluettukjaftur a rennibekk 33×3.5

19.980 kr.
  • Produced with woodturners specifically in mind
  • The chuck is supplied with three collets: 6-7mm, 10-11mm and 12-13mm
  • Ability to handle long lengths of dowel with a hollow headstock

Skálajárn 3/8″ finger

19.860 kr.

The fingernail shape of this gouge increases flexibility allowing the turner to perform 'pull cuts' without catching the lathe bed. The greater cutting area can be used equally well for heavy profiling cuts or fine, delicate shearing cuts. Easily maintained using the Robert Sorby ProEdge sharpening system.

Patrónukjaftar C á SK100

19.750 kr.
  • Potential gripping range: Internal 52mm to 66mm
  • Potential gripping range: External 66mm to 80mm
  • Recommended for SK100 and SK114 chucks

Patrónukjaft. F 38mm

19.650 kr.
  • Potential gripping range: Internal 11mm to 29mm
  • Potential gripping range: External 31mm to 48mm
  • Recommended for SK100 and SK114 chucks

Patrónukjaftur A: 25-60-100mm

18.953 kr.
Frá Axminster í Bretlandi. Hægt að minnka niður í 60mm og 25mm * 75 deg spigot - Stækkanlegt upp í 100mm dovetail. Sjá nánar frá framleiðanda:

Patrónukjaftar BF gripper á SK100

18.900 kr.
  • Potential gripping range: Internal 11mm to 30mm
  • Potential gripping range: External 28mm to 47mm
  • Recommended for SK100 and SK114 chucks

Penna kjaftur á rennipatrónu

18.890 kr.
  • Potential gripping range: Round 16mm to 44mm
  • Potential gripping range: Square 16mm to 41mm
  • Recommended for SK80, SK100 and SK114 chucks

Borpatróna Super Precision: 13mm

18.690 kr.

Patróna sem er fyrir fyrir morse taper 2 kón og passar í flest alla trérennibekki og standborvélar

1-13mm stærð og með lykli.

Fyrir mikla nákvæmnisvinnnu - Mikið tork. Sjá nánar neðar.

Innkaupsnúmer Patróna m. kón MT-2

18.670 kr.

Key Features

  • Good quality key operated chucks offering excellent value
  • Available complete with a choice of arbor
  • An excellent accessory for boring on a woodturning lathe
  • Jaw capcity 1mm to 13mm