Pfeil útskurðarsett: 4stk.

19.980 kr.
Byrjendasett með þrem járnum og fleygskurðarhníf. Eitt V járn, eitt U járn og eitt beint.

Tálgusett 4 hnífar, brýni & trékassi

19.850 kr.
  • This is a right-handed set
  • Comes in a toolbox in form of a book
  • Suitable for beginners and professionals
  • Perfect gift for woodcarving lovers
  • Green-grey polishing compound and a leather strop are included

Berger Greinasög 3000mm

19.843 kr.

Greinasög  löng frá Berger í Þýskalandi

Kemur í slíðri og af bestu gerð en verður sögun á ferskum greinum og trjám hægðarleikur einn, er betri en þessi samanbrjótanlega ef saga á stærri við.

Aðeins 300 gr. 

Blaðlengd 24cm (45cm heildarlengd)

Mælt er með söginn er skógarfólki.

Brenn-Peter Gjafasett

18.600 kr.
Gjafabox fyrir byrjendur og líka fima handverksmenn og nemendur. 4 hausar, skrúfjárn, töng, vírbursti, munsturbók og málmbakki til að geyma heita hausa í. Kemur í fallegum kassa og með skemmtilegum viðarverkefnum á hráefni til að byrja strax að skapa. 

Flexcut krókhnífur

17.980 kr.

Mikill gæðahnífur frá Flexcut sem hentar í skeiðar, skálar og allskonar dýpri skurðarvinnu.

The Single Bevel Sloyd Hook Knife is perfect for forming the hollows of spoons and bowls. The deeply curved, single-edged blade is sharpened all the way to the pointed tip. For added strength, the tang of each knife extends completely through the beautifully conditioned Cherry hardwood handle. It also features a brass ferrule for added stability. The overall length of this knife is 8” with a radius of .5”.

Flexcut Jack Tálguhnífur

16.980 kr.
Frá Flexcut USA - Hefur tvö blöð, annað 13mm langt fínt blað og hitt er 50mm gróft blað - Heildalengd: 10cm - Blöðin læsast ekki.

Flexcut Sloyd tálguhnífur

16.780 kr.

Our Stub Sloyd Knife has a shorter blade than our original Sloyd Knife. With a blade length of 2-1/2”, you’ll have more control for your smaller sized projects. As with our original Sloyd, this carving knife is a during well-made tool, great for spoon carving, whittling, marking and general woodworking.

Brenn-Peter 4 Werkbox

15.835 kr.
Brennipenni frá Brenn-Peter. Kemur með 5 hausum.

Flexcut Tálguskrapar: 7stk

15.760 kr.
Frá Flexcut USA - Með nokkrum strokum er hægt að fjarlægja ójöfnur af verkinu þínu án þess að nota sandpappír, einnig hentugt til að fjarlægja málningu af tré.

Tálgusett Skeið

14.850 kr.

The choice of gifts is an eternal problem. You always want to pick up something beautiful, original, and at an affordable price. A hand-crafted gift can be your perfect solution. It always looks interesting, beautiful, and original. Such a gift will please even the most demanding recipient, especially if this gift is a Love Spoon carved out of wood. Such traditional Celtic carving is a symbol of love, appreciation, and devotion. It is always unique and inimitable.

Tálgusett 3hnífar,brýnir & poki

14.850 kr.
  • Comes with a leather strop and green-grey polishing compound
  • A tool roll is included
  • This set is designed for general, spoon, and detail carving

Flexcut Tálguhnífasett

14.720 kr.

Whether you whittle professionally or just for fun, our Whittler's Kit will give you better results. These flexible knives are made with edge-holding steel for smoother cutting and are ready to use right out of the package. This set also contains a bar of Polishing Compound to help maintain your edges.