Tálguhnífar og greinayddarar
Flexcut tálgu+útsk.sett 8st.
Flexcut Deluxe Útskurðarsett: 20stk
Frá Flexcut USA - Ein bestu járn á markaðnum - Þetta sett inniheldur 20 stk, m.a 16 helstu járnin sem þarf. í settinu eru tvö handföng, annnað þeirra fyrir lófa og 16 mismunandi formuð skurðarblöð, einn hnífur og brýnslusett.
Flexcut útskurðarhnífar eru fullbrýndir og póleraðir og renna því vel í gegnum útskurðarvið.
Annálaðir gæðahnífar, falla vel í lófann, eru léttur og mjög auðvelt að viðhalda bitinu. Mælum með slípimassann og brýnslusettið nr. PW12
Flexcut Jack Útskurðarsett: 6 Járn
Flexcut Jack Útskurðarsett: 6 járn – Vinstrihandar
Flexcut Útskurðarsett: 11stk
Flexcut fíntálguhnífur
The Tri-Jack Pro has three blades that lock in place - a roughing knife, a detail knife and a mini-cutting knife. The roughing knife is great for modeling surfaces and creating texture, while the detail and cutting knives let you easily make the finest cuts. The Pistol Grip design minimizes hand fatigue and is made of aerospace-grade aluminum with a quarter-cut cherry inlay.
Flexcut fleygsk.sett 3stk.
Our Chip Carving Set is everything you need to create the intricate geometric or freestyle patterns that are the hallmark of the chip carving craft. Lettering is also very much part of the art form - carving the name of somebody special on the boxes, address blocks, wall plaques and other objects you make, turns them into very personal keepsakes that can be cherished and even handed down generation to generation. A bar of Polishing Compound is included to help keep your blades razor-sharp.