Pfeil Járnasett: 25stk
Pfeil Járnasett: 12stk
Pfeil Útskurðarsett: 8stk
Pfeil Palm B 8stk.sett
Tálgusett 4hnífar
Tálgusett 3 hnífar 1beinn/2bognir
Tálgusett 3 hnífar í trékassa
Tálgusett 3stk hnífar
Set of 2 wood carving tools is used in spoon, bowl, cup, lovespoon and kuksa wood carving. Wood carving tools kit consists of 2 tools: hook knife 25mm diameter with sharp end and whittling knife with 58mm blade length. Tools arrived sharpened and ready to use right from the package. Wood spoon blank is included as a gift. This sets excellent fits both for beginners and professionals. Quality control is carried on every stage of the production process.